Data description

The swiss data contain several variables pertaining to socioeconomic information of 47 French-speaking provinces of Switzerland in 1888. These include:

Example observations within the Swiss data
  Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Courtelary 80.2 17 15 12 9.96 22.2
Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 22.2
Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 93.4 20.2
Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 20.3
Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 20.6
Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 9 7 90.57 26.6

We can observe joint relationships between these variables in the figure below:


Among other things, we observe that the Examination variable — the percent of draftees receiving the highest mark on their army exams — has strong negative associations with fertility (Pearson correlation = -0.65), agriculture (correlation = -0.69), and percent Catholic (correlation = -0.57), and a strong positive association with post-primary draftee education rates (correlation = 0.7). It is weakly associated with infant mortality rates (correlation = -0.11).

Looking more closely into this variable, we see that the mean percentage of draftees achieving the top mark is 16% averaging over provinces, and the standard deviation is 8%, indicating a fair amount of dispersion in this percentage across provinces. The values range from 3% to 37%. We can observe this spread in the figure below, which also illustrates the unimodality of the distribution.